Diabetes & Mental Health

Diabetes and Mental health. This is something that isn’t talked about as much as it should be. I want to share something a friend of mine wrote a few weeks ago because it really resonated with me as I’ve been struggling this summer.

“I live with clinical anxiety and depression, and I have to tackle each day differently based on how I am feeling. I am the 1 in the statistic that 1 in 5 adults have a mental illness. But EVERYONE has mental health. In the course of a lifetime, not all people will experience a mental illness like I do, but everyone will struggle or have a challenge with their mental well-being (i.e. their mental health). Which is why today, on #WorldMentalHealthDay, I ask that everyone checks in with themselves and their mental health. Be mindful and take five minutes to yourself, take a walk, meditate or practice yoga. And remember that it is OK to not feel OK. We all go through ups and downs with our mental health, which is why it is important that we are there for one another and ask for help when we need it.” -kieranjanene

It’s okay to not feel okay. Most of the time I feel okay. But diabetes is a tough disease to live with. People with diabetes have a higher risk of depression. It’s constant and it’s wearing and draining and unforgiving at times. Life can be crazy and confusing, with or without diabetes. But you are beautiful, strong and vibrant. There’s not a right way to do life, or a right way to do diabetes. Having low moments doesn’t make you weak or less.

Remember to love yourself and give yourself some slack if you mess up. Don’t let it keep you down. If you are feeling depressed, it’s okay to ask someone for help. Know that you are stronger than your diabetes. You are strong because of your diabetes. You can choose to make tomorrow better. And always know that you are not alone!

You can reach out to a friend, anyone in this beautiful diabetes community, a counselor or call a mental health hotline. 💙💙

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